Monday, 7 March 2011

Filming Starts

I started filming my non-narrative production on Sunday 6th March. The scenes I filmed were the ones with my actors. We experiences a few problems with light. Sunday was the only day my actor Bill Cosgrave could do but I did not finish work until 5.00pm so we had to rush filming into the hour as the light outside went at 6.00pm.
Reviewing my footage, overall I am happy with it but it would of helped if I filmed earlier in the day, as some shots are a bit dark.
The rest of my footage I will be filming on Wednesday 9th March. The footage will not require Bill. I have already got permission from the location owner, Sonny Salasa. 

Monday, 28 February 2011

My Inspirational Friend

I thought I would share some of the work that inspires me that has been created by one of my best friends Caroline Saurin.

Below are some examples of her work:

The first picture taken of Joe Paine I find very natural and interesting. Although slightly dark, I personally think it suits this photo the lack of colour I think makes you focus more on the person. Whereas in the second photo of Joe, the colour makes the picture stand out and look wonderful.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

First signs of summer

Thursday, 24th February was a beautiful sunny day so I decided to go to the park and see if I could capture anything interesting.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Experimenting with Camera settings

I find it very interesting how different camera setting can create a completely different image.
I have been experimenting with depth of field and shutter speed.

Monday, 24 January 2011


I have been researching the Kuleshov Effect and I am very intrigued by it. I have created some footage exploring this type of editing.

This footage shows a women waiting and then the clip changes to a man walking holding a book. The audience immediately link the two scenes together and think the women is waiting for the man. If the clip of the man was of a bus, the audience would then think the women is waiting for the bus.

With this shot I have explored metric montage. Each shot last for 1 frame. Each clip has been joined together with the same length.

Exploring continuity editing

The video above displays continuity editing where as the video below does not. 

The first type of continuity editing that I am going to look at is graphic continuity. This is where shots that are similar join together. I believe this type of continuity would be very effective.

I have explored rhythmic continuity in the video below.